Degenerative Disc Herniation and Disease Treatment
Chiropractic care is a popular treatment option for degenerative disc disease because it is gentle and non-invasive. Harvest Pointe provides acupuncture, chiropractic care, and other rehab exercises to relieve your degenerative disc disease symptoms.
Harvest Pointe Chiropractic & Integrative Health Centre in Edmonton, AB
Harvest Pointe Chiropractic & Integrative Health Centre was established in 2018 to help patients feel and move better. One of our key goals is to provide top notch care in chiropractic using our best clinical judgement and evidence-based research. This means that patients are our top priority.
We are a team consisting of two chiropractors, both trained in Toronto, Ontario and three registered massage therapists. We are a multidisciplinary clinic utilizing chiropractic, massage therapy, and acupuncture treatments. We work as a cohesive team in offering a focused and compassionate care to our patients.
Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a condition that occurs when the protective discs between the vertebrae wear down, dry out and crack. It can cause pain and limitation of movement in the back and legs, but the pain typically only occurs when the discs become brittle and crack. The condition is most common in older adults; approximately 30 percent of people by the age of 35 show some sign of degeneration, and after age 60, 90 percent of people show evidence of spinal disc deterioration.
The natural aging process is the primary underlying cause of degenerative disc disease. With age, the body’s water content begins to decrease, including the spinal discs. Because the outer layer of the discs is made of cartilage, they can become brittle as their water and protein content are reduced; this makes them more susceptible to tearing and other forms of damage during everyday movement. The inner core of discs is gelatinous and has high water content when healthy; however, as the soft core of a disc dries out, it can become less able to withstand the stresses of supporting the spinal column and upper body, leading to cracks.
There are other risk factors in addition to aging that can influence the onset of the condition, such as:
• Genetic predisposition
• Excess body weight
• Traumatic injury
• Sitting for long periods of time
• Poor posture
• Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
Although the natural aging process is ineluctable, taking steps to live a healthy lifestyle and promote long-term spine health can decrease the chances of developing degenerative disc disease and related symptoms and improve the overall quality of life.
When it affects the lumbar spine, degenerative disc disease can cause low back pain. In these cases, low back pain typically responds well to degenerative disc disease treatments. With regular treatments, many patients report a significant reduction in symptoms and an overall improvement in quality of life.
Degenerative disc disease is a spinal condition characterized by wear and tear in the intervertebral discs that cushion the bones in the spine. It is primarily caused by age-related changes that the body naturally goes through, and is incredibly prevalent in the older population. It can cause symptoms of pain, numbness, and limited mobility, but in many cases, the condition is asymptomatic, unless there is damage or pressure on the nerves.
On the other hand, a herniated disc occurs when the discs between the vertebrae bulge and rupture, often due to excess pressure. Herniated discs can be painful, particularly if they affect nerve function, such as the transmission of sensory information to the brain. While herniated discs are caused by deterioration in the spinal canal, it is not considered degenerative disc disease, as this condition is characterized not by a bulging disc, but by dry, brittle, and cracked discs.
To summarize, degenerative disc disease occurs when the spinal discs dry out, losing the water and gel components that support the back; a herniated disc is where the water content is still present, but the inside of the disc bulges, sometimes causing a different type of pain.