Prenatal Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy is a time of joy and a time when a woman’s body goes through many changes. As the pregnant belly gets bigger, the woman’s center of gravity changes and gets moved forward, leading to an increased curve in the lumbar spine. This can increase load on the woman’s low back, hip, knees, and ankle. Also too, a pregnant woman’s muscles are overworked and tired to compensate for the increased load.


Harvest Pointe Chiropractic & Integrative Health Centre in Edmonton, AB

Harvest Pointe Chiropractic & Integrative Health Centre was established in 2018 to help patients feel and move better. One of our key goals is to provide top notch care in chiropractic using our best clinical judgement and evidence-based research. This means that patients are our top priority.
We are a team consisting of two chiropractors, both trained in Toronto, Ontario and three registered massage therapists. We are a multidisciplinary clinic utilizing chiropractic, massage therapy, and acupuncture treatments. We work as a cohesive team in offering a focused and compassionate care to our patients.

Involving chiropractic as part of your pre-natal care can provide much needed relief to symptoms that may be a result of pregnancy, such a headache, joint tension in neck, back, and pelvis. Chiropractic is a popular choice of care that is drug-free for the relief of pain that is associated with pregnancy.

We often see women in our clinic due to the constant changes that are occurring to their bodies during pregnancy, a few of these changes include:

Hormonal changes such as an increase in estrogen that may cause nausea during your first trimester and swollen ankles in the last trimester
Increased in ligamentous laxity from increased levels of relaxin which may result in loose joints and make women prone to injury, increased pain to lower back
Postural changes. Most pregnant women show a sway-back posture, which means the upper trunk is shifted back more so than her low back and pelvis. This increases her muscle tone in the neck and trunk to compensate for changes in her center of gravity.

Regular chiropractic visits during pregnancy allow women to receive a wide array of benefits, a few of these benefits include:

• Curbing headaches
• Helping to ease any pains in the joints of the back, and neck
• Addressing muscle tension and stress in the pelvic girdle, trunk, and neck
• Preventing potential injury from postural changes to joint and muscles

• There is no set time frame for when a pregnant woman should be starting chiropractic care. As the belly grows and the body ramps up the production of hormones, as well as, the loosening of the ligaments and joints, pregnant women may start to feel discomfort and pain. This is where your chiropractor can help by addressing joint & spinal alignment, soft tissue therapy, home care stretching, ligaments and muscles that surround the spine to help ease any of the discomfort and pain you may be dealing with when pregnant.

• Regular chiropractic visits earlier on in the pregnancy up until after birth are recommended for optimal care.

• Myofascial Release Therapy: our chiropractors and registered massage therapists can help to decrease pain that occurs in pregnancy and labor by addressing weak, tired, and overworked muscles in the low back, hip, trunk, and neck. This is achieved with gentle stretching of muscles and trigger point therapy.
• Spinal alignment through gentle mobilization and manipulation for low back, hip, trunk, and neck discomfort. Chiropractors are trained to manipulate the spine in a safe and effective manner for the pregnant population.
• Acupuncture & Kinesio-tape. These conservative therapies are beneficial for relieving pain in muscles, joints, as well as, alleviating nausea symptoms during pregnancy.
• Patient education. Our chiropractors can provide safe home care exercises/stretch for pregnant women who are potentially more prone to injury and accidents.

Chiropractic is a proven safe, effective, and drug-free treatment to help pregnancy discomforts while improving function during pregnancy and after birth. At Harvest Pointe Chiropractic and Integrative Health Centre, we are committed to helping our prenatal patients with evidence-based practice utilizing chiropractic care and if needed recommending prenatal massage. We are available seven days a week for your chiropractic care needs, call us to book an appointment or simply book online through our scheduling app. We understand things come up, so please give us 48 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.

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